L@@K what two machines do!
Snow Machine Setup, Design, Installing and Best Placement, do snow Right! We do it Disney Right
Call effectspecialist.com 813 689 6269
Snow Machine Systems are not created
equal when comparing snow machine models & brands when on the job site.
Each snow machine has a certain level of performance and may have limitations
for the job you need them to do. Here are examples of professional snow
machines setup and placement in the field as examples of grouping of machines
and Blowers.
All machines results seen here are with professional snowmasters
models. Don't expect these results with other brands. While its easy to get
good snow high in the air first coming out of the machine, its the amount of
snow that is reaches the stage or ground for people to enjoy is why you need
professional grade Snowmasters machines. Other Brands just do a light snow.
Snowmasters T 1500's on a lift we call a
snow zone that we provided for Theme Park Marathon that we call a snow zone.